Ales Kot is a writer. His graphic novel debut, ‘Wild Children’, arrived to rave reviews and commercial success in July 2012. He is also responsible for reinvigorating DC Entertainment‘s “Suicide Squad” and a psychedelic mind-bender “Change” from Image Comics. And since he’s writing this bio:
Hi, this is me, showing myself to you. I write stories that are alive inside me because I believe in love and because stories are communication and communication is how love moves.
I write all kinds of stories; the umbrella term of “speculative fiction” is probably the most fitting one, if you want such a thing.
My first long-term series, “Zero”, is already coming out via Image Comics. Starting in March 2014, I am also launching a new “Secret Avengers” series and also a new “Iron Patriot” series at Marvel. There are many more stories coming, in many different media, and in about ten years I’ll help create a new art form.