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An Evening With Alfred Hitchock

Euro Media Forum, in collaboration with Eden Cinemas, is organising ‘An Evening With Hitchcock’ event at Le Meridien St Julians – Gemini Hall on Monday March 4th at 6.30 p.m. Alfred Hitchcock, known as the ‘Master of Suspense’, is deemed by many as the most renowned English film director of the 20th century. In a career spanning six decades, Hitchcock has directed more than fifty feature films which include Psycho, The Birds, Vertigo, Rear Window, North by Northwest, Marnie and To Catch a Thief.

Hitchcock’s distinctive silhouette, cameo appearances in his own films, and tongue-in-cheek intros in the television programme Alfred Hitchcock Presents, led him to become a timeless cultural icon.

Actor Michael Tabone, educator David Pace, moderator and film researcher Justin Camilleri will delve into how Alfred Hitchcock became the master of the thriller genre he virtually invented, and how he became a brilliant director who deftly blended sex, suspense and humour while creating a number of plot devices, most famously the MacGuffin to advance his intricate plots.

The speakers will give a presentation on Hitchcock’s best works for e.g.: Psycho, The Birds, Vertigo and how directors of the likes of David Lynch, Brian DePalma and Steven Spielberg have been influenced by the Master of Suspense. The audience is invited to participate and put forward to the panel their questions regarding their favourite Hitchcock film. The speakers promise an interesting debate and fantastic entertainment, Questions from the audience will be welcome.

To spice up the evening there will also be a Hitchcock quiz, where the first winner will win an all inclusive package – two Eden cinema tickets, a bowling game for two persons and free parking. The second winner will win two cinema tickets and free parking. The third winner will win two cinema tickets. So quiz participants keep your eyes open for the Master of Suspense’s clues!

This event is being done in collaboration with – Business Mediation Services, Le Meridien – St Julians and Eden Cinemas.

Entrance to the event is free. For bookings please email or send an sms to 99454066, or log in

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