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Annihilation : Conquest review by Raphael Borg

While the highlight of the original Annihilation event was probably the many tie-ins, I could easily say that the highlight to Conquest was the main story.
Don’t get me wrong, I enjoyed some of them, but the ones I did were the only ones truly essential to the story – namely Quasar, which incidentally follows my favorite LGBTIQ+ character (unless you count Wonder Woman) and Star-Lord, which precedes the Guardians of the Galaxy as we know them from the MCU. Others – Wraith in particular – were not as enjoyable as it oozed with early-2000’s angst which personally I had enough of in my life. It works both as a singular narrative as well as an allegory, as has a lot that lends itself to such a reading in particular to the neoliberal economy.
This truly makes it an enjoyable read – if the original rebirthed the cosmic side of Marvel, this event gave it its first true jolt of life. Read it, but skip the tie-ins which change nothing in the plot.