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Back for Second Helpings: Lancaster Comics Day Returns on Sunday 5th June

The second Lancaster Comics Day, organised by The Friends of Lancaster Library, will take place on Sunday 5th June 2016 in Lancaster’s Main Library.

Drawing largely on local talent, the event will be celebrating a landmark forDoctor Who comics with several creators who have worked on the official Magazine, whose 500th issue is published next week, a panel on British humour comics headed up by veteran comics artist and writer Lew Stringer (whose credits include TOXIC, The Beano and VIZ ), joined by Funny Monsters creator and publisher Joe Matthews.

Former Marvel Comics editor and Sparky comic and Doctor Who? writer Tim Quinn, one of Lancaster Comics Day’s popular guests in 2015, who regaled fans with stories of how he broke into comics after being a circus clown, is also back this year, armed with copies of his hilarious new biography, Argh!, which has just been released MIWK Publishing,

Starting his career as a Ringboy/clown at Blackpool Tower Circus, he then leapt back in time to work on BBC TV’s The Good Old Days music hall series where he started writing scripts for top comedians. It was a small jump into the world of comic books where he spent many happy years as scriptwriter, illustrator and editor on such noted titles as The Beano, The Dandy, Sparky, The Topper, Buster, Whoopee!, Bunty, Jackie,Doctor Who Magazine (working with cartoonist Dicky Howett), and Whizzer & Chips before heading Stateside to work for the mighty Marvel Comics Group on the world famous Spider-Man, X-Men and the Incredible Hulk.

Today he’s a presenter for Bay TV Liverpool, tours the UK discussing the humour and nostalgia of comics, runs a management company for recording artists, conducts workshops on cartooning and media and dreams of the day he will be bitten by a radioactive flea so that he can finally take over the universe.

Local comic creators Andy Diggle (writer for Marvel Comics, including Captain America), artist Sean Phillips and Doctor Who writer and playwright Eddie Robson will be talking adventure and superhero comics, along with writer Alex Paknadel, whose comic Arcadia has proven a huge hit in recent months, and independent comics creator Tom Ward.

With Lancaster awash with SF and Fantasy authors, this year’s Comics Day a panel featuring novelists AS Chambers, whose latest Lancaster-set novel has just been published, JS CollyerEddie Robson and Games creator Ken Walton.

Also on the line-up will be Blackpool-based Doctor Who and Judge Dredd Megazine comic artist and book cover illustrator Adrian Salmon, an artist whose monster-inspired cover for an issue of Doctor Who Magazine has just been voted into the magazine’s all-time Top 50 by over 55,000 readers votes.

Preston-based artist Graham Pearce will be back with his popular drawing challenges for young comics fans.

With Comic Cake, a Games Room and face painting for kids (of all ages), there will be plenty to do and comics to discover.

“We didn’t know how Lancaster Comics Day would go down, last year, but it was a huge success,” commented co-organiser and comics writer and editor John Freeman, whose many credits include Doctor Who Magazine and Star Trek Magazine, and who runs the British comics web site “We were delighted last year’s event helped raise over £800 for Library funds, and we hope local comic fans will support us again on Sunday 5th June.

“We’ve had great support from library staff, Lancaster’s own comic shop, First Age Comics, and backing from Kendal’s Lakes International Comic Art Festival, who were instrumental in the appointment of  Tintin scholar Benoit Peeters as the UK’s first Professor of Graphic Fiction and Comic Art at Lancaster University. 

“I’m looking forward to second helpings of Lancaster Comics Day and I hope local comic fans are, too!”

Lancaster Comics Day art created by and © Nick Miller

• Lancaster Comics Day takes place from 11.00am until 6.00pm on Sunday 5th June 2016 at Lancaster Main Library in Market Square, Lancaster. Tickets £5 adults, £2 concessions, which includes admission to all four comics panels, accompanied children under 13 free.


• For further information about the Friends of Lancaster Library contact Stuart Reynolds of the Friends of Lancaster

• For interviews about Lancaster Comics Day, contact John Freeman

Notes for Editors

All guests appear subject to work commitments.

About Lancaster Comics Day

The first Lancaster Comics Day (pictures at ), organised by The Friends of Lancaster Library, took place in June 2015 and proved a tremendous success, raising £800 for the Library, which will in part be used to buy black out curtains for the “Sanctuary” room.

Guests included comics writer Andy Diggle, Doctor Who and Judge Dredd artist Dave Taylor, Hellblazer and Doctor Who artist John Ridgway, among others, and local comic creators, authors and retailers also attended the event, which was supported by the Lakes International Comic Art Festival and sponsored by First Age Comics.

• Visit the Lancaster Comics Day Facebook Page for the latest news about the event:

• Follow Lancaster Comics Day on Twitter @LancasterComics –

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