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Jeff Lemire’s Moon Knight review by Raphael Borg

Moon Knight is one of Marvel’s pantheon of characters that is largely, unfortunately, relegated to a series of recycled narratives because most authors have next to no idea what to do with the characters beyond what was done before. However, the handful of runs that actually do something original are extremely underrated.

Among these runs one can find one of the few comics out of the Marvel Now! era I actually enjoyed reading, by the stellar team of Jeff Lemire and Greg Smallwood. It is a metaphysical, Inception-esque exploration of the perception of reality from a broken psyche, getting the reader to question what is real and what is not, and yet, admitting that it is somehow real to the protagonist. The protagonist, although identifiable as Marc Spector/Moon Knight, has such a fragmented identity that it is difficult to pinpoint who he is but it revels in this fog; had it not been labelled as such, and were it approached by a new reader unaware of the muddied history of the character, it would have created an aura of mystery that would have made it more enjoyable, much akin to the books of Pirandello “Sei Personaggi in Cerca d’Autore” or “Il Fu Mattia Pascal”. It is for this reason that I urge new readers to come to the book without background knowledge; it is something which hindered me from enjoying the book to the full, but I enjoyed it none the less. #crowcomicreviews