Nintendo Gamers Malta (NGM) started out as a Facebook group back in 2010 simply as a Nintendo fan group, but as our numbers slowly grew, so did our scope. Starting from 2011 we attended the Malta Comic Con for the first time, and we were present for almost all of the years that followed. NGM continues to grow, recently branching out on other social media sites and creating a lively community on Discord. As is our tradition for these events, we host tournaments for Pokémon, Mario Kart and Super Smash Bros. We also host high score challenges for both retro and modern games, such as Tetris and Suica Game.
Tournaments & High Score Challenges
Tournaments will be held for the following games:
– Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
– Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
– Pokémon VGC
– Scarlet and Violet
All competitors will be required to bring their own controllers. Additionally, for Pokémon VGC entrants, a Switch, a copy of the game and an eligible team will be required.
Registration links will be made available on NGM Esports socials closer to the event date. Competitors will be required to registered in order to guarantee a place in our tournaments.
Highscore Challenges will also be held for games such as Tetris and Suica Game. More info will be revealed at a later date.
High Score events will also be held (likely for Tetris, Suica Game and/or Pacman)
Prizes and Prize Pools will be awarded to the Top 3/Winners of the competitions and High Score challenges
Entrants will be required to pay an entrance fee for tournaments and High Score Challenge attempts. More information on prizes, entry fees and tournament start times will be revealed in the coming weeks.