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Wicked Comics are proud to announce that guests Titan Comics, TPub, Time Bomb Comics, Markosia, Orang Utan Comics and Monhun Offline as well as exhibitors Merlin Publishers, W.A.R.S., The Dungeon, Nintendo Gamers Malta, Sandbox Dudes, Forbidden Power, Gamers and got3DPRINT will be joining the previously announced guest and exhibitors amongst the highlights of Malta Comic Convention (MCC) 2017. The 9th edition of the Malta Comic Con (MCC) will be held on Saturday 2rd December (10am-6pm) and Sunday 3rd December (11am-7pm) 2017 at the Mediterranean Conference Centre, Valletta.


Titan Comics

Titan Publishing has been a purveyor of comics, graphic novels, fiction and licensed publishing for over thirty years. Since 1981, they have been instrumental in the field of licensed film and television properties, including The Walking Dead, Star Wars, Transformers and Star Trek, as well as creator-owned successes such as Tank Girl and Lenore. Besides producing all-new monthly comic titles, Titan Comics continues to restore and reprint the best classic comics, bringing back seminal titles of yesterday in deluxe and lovingly-produced volumes. They recently launched Statix Press, a new imprint designed to showcase the best comics from around the world. Titan Comics will be officially represented at the Malta Comic Con through Chris Thompson who will be speaking, giving portfolio reviews and offering a small selection of special stock.


TPub is a leading UK publisher of comics. Best known for the psychological thriller Twisted Dark, they have comics to suit all tastes. Titles include Twisted Dark, Twisted Light, Tabatha, Turncoat, Tortured Life, Theatrics and The World of Chub Chub.


Time Bomb Comics

Time Bomb Comics has been publishing comics and graphic novels in the UK for the past 10 years. With such diverse titles as Dick Turpin, Defiant, Longship, Kronos City, The Last Ride of Henry Holden, Bomb Scares, Flintlock and Ragamuffins.


Established in 2005, Markosia has become one of the UK’

s leading publishers of graphic novels. Based in London, it has gained a reputation for producing a diverse range of comic books and graphic novels that cover almost all genres.

Some of the creators that have worked on Markosia titles include amongst others Ryan Stegman (Midnight Kiss), Neil Edwards (Starship Troopers), Norm Breyfogle (Of Bitter Souls), Lee Garbett (Dark Mists) and Szymon Kudranski (Scatterbrain).

Orang Utan Comics

Orang Utan Comics is one of the UK’s leading independent comics publishers. Founded in 2007 by Ian Sharman and Peter Rogers, it hit the UK comics scene running with the launch of Eleventh Hour, an anthology title which picked up an Eagle Award nomination for Favourite Black & White British Comic Book after its initial two issues. Since then Orang Utan Comics has gone on to release several popular series, including Alpha Gods, FTL, Particle Fiction, Shrapnel: Case Files and Hypergirl. It has also worked with Matt Dyson and Mike Georgiou to produce trade paperback collections of their comics, Moo & Keo and Elemental Micah. Orang Utan Comics frequently collaborates with Markosia who handle most of their digital distribution and publishes some of their titles.

Monhun Offline

MonHun Offline is a London based gaming community specializing in organising free Nintendo fan-run offline meet-ups across the land. Supported by Nintendo UK and Capcom Europe they host meet ups every 2-3 weeks in London and travel the country in support of other offline events. The community firmly believes that nothing beats the experience of beating the odds with or against friends and joining in the cheer. MonHun Offline will be making their second appearance in the Malta Comic Con and in collaboration with Wicked Comics, Nintendo Gamers Malta and Sandbox Dudes will be hosting the gaming section of the Malta Comic Con organising a variety of tournaments and pick and play events across a number of gaming platforms.

Merlin Publishers 

Set up in 1964, Merlin has grown into Malta’s most innovative and exciting publisher. Home to most of Malta’s key authors, Merlin prides itself on its backlist of Maltese literature, as well as on its nurturing of new authors with innovative styles and expression. Winner of the Best Publishing House Award for multiple years, Merlin has been at the forefront of production, design, packaging and marketing. Among its highlights for 2018, Merlin will be publishing its first serialised comic book for adults: Mibdul, as well as a comic book for children in Maltese. Merlin’s books have been exhibited at Frankfurt, London and Bologna Book Fairs.


W.A.R.S. is a tabletop and roleplaying gaming club based in Floriana aimed at promoting roleplaying and wargaming in all their forms. Their premises which is designed and equipped to host roleplaying and tabletop games is regularly open to both its members and to the public. The friendly atmosphere prevalent at the club makes it ideal for hobbyist to meet play, chill, discuss past, current and plan future events. The ethos of the club is the development of long lasting friendship and to this end they also regularly organise social events such as BBQs, dinners, picnics and nights out. As customary W.A.R.S. will be running a variety of roleplaying and tabletop games during the Malta Comic Con aimed at both beginners and seasoned players.

The Dungeon

The Dungeon club in Birkirkara, is aimed towards gamers and hobbyists who want to meet regularly to play different tabletop games or share their passion on painting miniatures. These games range from War Games (fantasy, historical & sci-fi), Skirmish Games, Role Playing Games and Board Games. The main objective is always to have fun in good company. The Dungeon will be running a variety of tabletop games during the Malta Comic Con.


Nintendo Gamers Malta

Nintendo Gamers Malta (NGM) is a group focused on bringing together the local Nintendo fanbase. It is a place where fans can get together to discuss the latest news and upcoming games. Throughout the year, NGM organizes a number of events and tournaments, and aims to provide its members with the best deals on games, hardware and other gaming gear from across the web. Focusing on Nintendo console, Nintendo Gamers Malta in collaboration with Wicked Comics, Monhun Offline and Sandbox Dudes will be organising a variety of tournaments and pick up and play events including popular titles such as Mario Kart, Super Smash Bros and Pokemon. NGM invite all gamers to visit the gaming section and try out new games on their consoles and to bring their 3DS since they will be hosting a Streetpass Zone.

Sandbox Dudes

Formerly known as Minecraft Malta, Sandbox Dudes gradually evolved into a gaming community specializing in the sandbox genre of games. They play, review, discuss and make videos about such games, but are also open to other genres. In collaboration with Wicked Comics, Monhun Offline and Nintendo Gamers Malta will be organising a variety of tournaments and pick up and play events including virtual reality gaming.

Forbidden Power

Forbidden Power is a TCG, Wargaming and Entertainment Hobby shop established in Msida. The store is the official reseller for Magic: The Gathering, Yu-Gi-Oh!, Pokemon TCG, Games workshop and more. They frequently run table top gaming events in their store and during the Malta Comic Con they will be demonstrating games such as Magic: The Gathering, Yu-Gi-Oh! and Pokemon.


As its name implies Gamers is a shop in Birkirkara that caters for everyone’s gaming needs. Their shop is stocked with a wide range of consoles, videogames and related merchandise and accessories. They also repair and build PC gaming rigs.


got3DPRINT will offer all the Malta Comic Con attendants the opportunity to experience 3D Printing live in action and will also have a selection of prints on display. During the convention they will be explaining the process of 3D Printing and offer information and guidance about their easy to use service.

Although Phase 2 Super Saver tickets are almost sold out a limited number of tickets are still available online from the Malta Comic Con website ( and offline from Pandora’s Box Collectables (Tarxien), Toy Town (Birkirkara) and RC World (Naxxar) at €10 for 1 day and €14 for 2 days.

Wicked Comics are also offering a number of travelling and accommodation packages for foreign fans who wish to join the Malta Comic Convention. Details can be found on the Malta Comic Con website through the following links:


Interested parties are kindly requested to send an email to Wicked Comics on (

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