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Spotlight on Down The Tubes!

Wicked Comics firmly believes that the comic book scene needs all the exposure it can get, and today we catch with renowned editor John Freeman to talk more on his excellent website Down The Tubes!

Down The Tubes is a British comics news site run in what little spare time he has by comics editor John Freeman (his day job is digital comics editor for ROK Comics, publishers of Team MOBILE and Master Merlini, while he also writes and works on the monthly STRIP: The Adventure Comics Magazine, which recently re-launched on the UK news stand).

John told us that the aim of the site is to focus on British comic publications and creators, so when you check it out you’ll find numerous informative articles about the British scene, including articles on leading British publisher 2000AD who is arguably responsible for launching the careers of many talented British artists. Visiting the site one will also have access to a lot of interesting reviews with many British creators including past Malta Comic Con guests; David Lloyd, Dave Windett and Jon Haward. In addition to this John told us that they also run reviews of new British titles and books and do their best to promote the best British independent comics and events.

“We aim to offer a guide to what’s happening in print and digitally, supported by a small team that includes Jeremy Briggs (who writes many of our reviews), Alex Fitch (from comic podcast Panel Borders) and others”. John told us. The site also contains a very helpful British Comics Event Guide which maps all comic related events in Britain. We recommend that you check this often. Furthermore, John also said that everyone is welcome to add events which fit the bill here. So what are you waiting for?

Although time is limited John assures us that the Blog, where news appears first – – has a dedicated following with some 70,000 visits per month right now. Furthermore, the site also includes a dedicated comics forum where folk discuss all sorts of comic related things, including comic creation. So make sure to subscribe there as well.

As promoters of the comic culture world wide we cannot recommend Down The Tubes enough for those wanting to stay in touch with what’s happening in Britain, one of the biggest proponents of the comics.

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