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Tim Perkins, Worlds End and Malta Comic Con 2011

Wicked Comics are proud of the fact that the award winning comic creator; Tim Perkins (UK) has been our guest for all of the three Malta Comic Con editions. Tim has always been helpful in assisting Wicked Comics and offering his invaluable insights when called for. Furthermore, Tim has also ran a number of children”s workshops during the Malta Comic Conventions and even taught comic art within some Maltese schools.

During these three years, Tim Perkins has been very busy preparing his first original graphic novel and it has been the greatest honour he could bestow us as to use the Malta Comic Con on the 26th and 27th November 2011 as a launching platform for his : Worlds End – Volume 1 – The Riders on the Storm

This fully painted, hard cover, all-ages fusion of Fantasy and Sci-Fi graphic novel, introduces us to the world of Gweldar the Mathemagician. This timeless epic introduces all the main characters that bravely stand against the invading aliens of their home planet Gaeryth and sets the tone for the wicked adventures to come in the future volumes of this tale.

The following are links to Tim”s blog where he shares his experience of the Malta Comic Con 2011, and the launch of Worlds End: Volume 1: Riders on the Storm.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

A review of: Worlds End Volume 1 by Tim Perkins can be found here –

Wicked Comics has a limited number of copies of Worlds End Volume 1 for sale at the price of 20 Euro. If you”re interested kindly email us on –

For further information on Tim Perkins and his excellent work kindly visit his wicked website Wizards Keep at:

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