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True Believers Comic Festival 2015!

Wicked Comics are proud to announce that a new comic festival based in Gloucestershire (UK) is being planned for Saturday 7th February 2015. This festival is being organised by three creative people collectively known as Starburst, who are currently running a campaign on Kickstarter to help them launch this event. Wicked Comics are excited to hear that this festival seems to share the same principle adopted by the annual Malta Comic Con by focusing primarily on comics.

Although this show is still some time away it already boasts a number of interesting guests and exhibitors amongst which are Neal Adams, and former Malta Comic Con guests Mike Collins, Steve Tanner and Time Bomb Comics, Kate Brown and Emma Vieceli.

This festival is going to be held at the Cheltenham Racecourse, Gloucestershire, which happens to be the places where Malta Comic Con fan favourite guests the School of Bitches are located. In fact it was David Dhalia who alerted us to this exciting event, and you can expect them to bring their awesome comic Genesis to this show as well.

We encourage all those who have comics at heart to pledge their support to this initiative by visiting their Kickstater page on:

For more info kindly visit:

For more info on the wicked School of Bitches crew and their awesome Genesis project kindly visit:

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