Being slightly familiar with the Warhammer 40K franchise, I was immediately intrigued by this first issue of this four part series. The idea of a team stranded on a moon having to defend themselves is not a new one but having it set in the Warhammer 40K universe sounds like loads of fun. The first issue introduces us to the deathwatch-Kill team which was sent to defend a mining colony on the Moon of Sidra from Xenos hoards. The issue immediately sets a grim tone by having their central command believe that they are dead and have failed their mission. This, however, is not the case and the first issue ends with the Deathwatch getting ready to fight against their enemy.
If you are a fan of the franchise or love sci-fi adventures set in a dark universe then I suggest you pick up this issue and all the others that will follow. You will surely want to know more about the members of the Deathwatch and how their actions will impact the rest of the universe. Who knows, maybe it will get you interested to try out the minifigure game as well.