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WHISPERS – The first superhero film from Cyprus premiers at the Malta Comic Con

“Whispers” is the first superhero themed film shot in Cyprus. The plot follows a 30-year old comic book geek trying to survive the current economic crises who gets his wish of a life time: gaining real superhero powers.

Funded partly by an indiegogo campaign the short film was made voluntarily by all crew and cast members. The creators are looking to inspire more fellow Mediterranean filmmakers to start taking matters in their own hands and produce more genre movies with any means necessary.

“Whispers” will have its first screening outside Cyprus at the 2013 edition of Malta Comic Con. Director/Writer Andreas Kyriacou, Assistant Director Panayiotis Zambakkides, Co-Producer Christos Hadjistyllis and Concept Artists Tasos Anastasiades (also Guest Artist at the Comic Con) will be present in person at the Malta premiere.

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