The Wicked Workshops
Date: 19th February 2022
Venue: Valletta Design Cluster
Wicked Comics Workshops and Masterclasses:
Ever since its inception Wicked Comics have always strived to promote comic culture in Malta and provide opportunities for artists, gamers, creators and cosplayers to continue to learn, develop their skills and interact with their fans. Our biggest platform to date has been the Malta Comic Con which is always packed with workshops and masterclasses aimed at consolidating interest in comics and pop culture and nurturing the talents of creators. In the absence of the Malta Comic Con, which these past two years had to be cancelled for health and safety reasons, Wicked Comics are proud to introduce the year with a day dedicated to workshops and masterclasses. So come join us for the Wicked Comics Workshops and Masterclasses which will be held on Saturday 19th February 2022 at the Valletta Design Cluster from 9.30am to 3pm.
Participation in this event is subject to pre-booking. Those interested to attend need to fill the application form on the Malta Comic Con website and select the class they wish to attend. More than one class can be attended (though some classes will be running concurrently) and a €5 participation fee per class applies. The deadline for the submission of the application is Thursday 17th February.
The first set of classes run from 9.30am to 11am and consists of the following:
Boardgame Design 101: Simulation through Gamification – Dominic Roman Tringali (MCAST Lecturer)
Come and explore the world of contemporary game design through a contextual study of its history and the fundamental principles of design, everything from game mechanics and power balance to different genres of play.
History of comics from all over the word – An academic study – Dean Fenech
A teacher by profession and a comic creator at heart, Dean Fenech has published numerous comics and is an avid promoter of the comic culture. He has also introduced comic clubs in various local schools and regularly gives lessons on the topic. During this event, he will be giving an overview of the history of comics from all over the world and explain in his educational yet entertaining style how comics and society interact.
The second slot of classes run from 11.30am to 1pm and consists of the following:
Graphic Narrative and Comics – Peter Magro
Combing his skills as teacher and published comics artist, Peter Magro will lead this session which aims to to give an introductory experience in graphic novel building to participants, tracing out elements which allow comics to transcend as an important medium consisting of narrative, artistic discipline and a means of self-expression via critical thinking. The contents of this workshop consist of a brief history of Comic Art, divulging into how artists and writers collaborate into making Comic Strips, Comic books and Graphic novels respectfully. Elements such as character design, landscape (perspective/background) and text, will be discussed through artistic terminology through examples via different uses of media in comics to allow a holistic analysis on making comics.
Once these elements are established, a study and hands-on exercise on the narrative process (storyboarding), will allow the participants to interpret a given text through visualisation in order to create a short comic strip of their own, with the provided knowledge as a stepping stone. By the end of this session, the participants should have a clear idea of how comics are made and perhaps even encourage them to create their own production in the future.
The final slot of classes will run between 1.30pm to 3pm and consists of the following:
Wig Styling and Application – Jade Aquilina
Having won numerous cosplay competitions and represented Malta in comic cons abroad, cosplayer Jade Aquilina needs no introduction. She will be delivering this session in which she will be focusing on wigs. This workshop will go over certain useful tips and tricks related to wigs including what tools and materials are useful to have, the different types of wigs one can obtain, certain styling techniques, how one can construct their own wigs and how one wears and cares for their wigs.
Introduction to Gaming – Jonathan Bonnici
Representing one of Malta’s most popular gaming clubs; WARS (Wargaming and Roleplaying Society) Jonathan Bonnici will be Introducing attendants to the role of game master in role playing games, while also demonstrating the process of world building and storytelling.
While we look forward to seeing you at these workshops, kindly be reminded that local health and safety protocols applicable at the time are to be observed at all times.
Graphic Narrative and Comics – Peter Magro (second slot)
Combing his skills as teacher and published comics artist, Peter Magro will lead this session which aims to to give an introductory experience in graphic novel building to participants, tracing out elements which allow comics to transcend as an important medium consisting of narrative, artistic discipline and a means of self-expression via critical thinking. The contents of this workshop consist of a brief history of Comic Art, divulging into how artists and writers collaborate into making Comic Strips, Comic books and Graphic novels respectfully. Elements such as character design, landscape (perspective/background) and text, will be discussed through artistic terminology through examples via different uses of media in comics to allow a holistic analysis on making comics.
Once these elements are established, a study and hands-on exercise on the narrative process (storyboarding), will allow the participants to interpret a given text through visualisation in order to create a short comic strip of their own, with the provided knowledge as a stepping stone. By the end of this session, the participants should have a clear idea of how comics are made and perhaps even encourage them to create their own production in the future.
The Wicked Lecturers
Dean Fenech
Social Studies teacher by day, comic creator by night.
In 2011 Dean Fenech self-published his first graphic novel called “Apocalypse Rocked – Part 1” and “Apocalypse Rocked – Part 2”. It’s a story about a rock star superheros in a post Apocalyptic future ravished by a virus.
His second series called “Times are -a-changing” ran from 2015 till 2019. This is a 5-issue series staring 3 Maltese characters and their decedents through 5 different time periods in Maltese history.
Dean is currently working on a monthly comic strip called “L-Għalliema u l-Istudenti tal-Kulleġġ San Xi Ħadd”. This series is published in the famous Maltese magazine “Sagħtar” and deals with a group of students and teachers in the San Xi Ħadd College and all the shenanigans they all get up to.
Dean is also a co-author of a Social studies textbook used in Maltese secondary schools called “Studji Soċjali – Nifhmu l-Genn tas-Soċjeta’”. He also did the illustrations for “Għetiebi Mikula”, “Ġrajjiet Żabbarin”, “From the Vortex”, “Il-Misteru ta’ taħt is-siġra tal-Ħarrub” and “Avventuri fil-Mellieha”.
Dean has participated in all 11 of the Malta Comic Cons.

Jade Aquilina
Jade’s love of pop culture emerged from a very early age, but she enjoyed it within the 4 walls of my room. Enjoying drawing, reading and watching almost any genre became her comfort zone. At around 14, she decided to sew her own costume and attend a local comic con. That’s when she got hooked. From that day on she vouched she would never miss one and started competing and attending conventions abroad.
Doing something with a passion entails hard work and dedication, but nothing stopped her, and she can say with certainty that there is nothing she would rather do. In fact, after acquiring a degree in psychology, she is now reading for another degree in fashion design and look forward to continuing her studies specialising in costume.

Peter Magro
Peter Magro has worked on productions such as local graphic novel S.T.E.A.M.: Island Under Siege(2015) (Story by Ashley Eric Peschel and currently working on S.T.E.A.M. 2, the sequel) He has collaborated with Youth Guarantee Malta on A Guidebook to SEC Revision Classes (2018), as well as two short graphic novels for adolescents (Back in Time with Nannu Salv (2019) (Written by Liz Mallia) and Taħt (2019) (written by Ivan Ellul Xuereb).
Peter has also participated within the area of fine arts, experimenting with hand-drawn animation as part of a collaborative exhibition at Spazju Kreattiv, Valletta (Ode to a Stone, Ennead, 2021).
Peter is a Masters in Fine Arts in Digital Arts graduate (University of Malta) and also teaches art professionally at different levels. He is currently chairperson of NGO Graphic Novels Library Malta (GNLM) and works closely with Central Public Library Malta on a regular basis.

Dominic Roman Tringal
Dominic Tringali is a graduate of the University of Oregon School of Journalism and an avid game enthusiast with multiple design and writing credits to his name (Warzone: Resurrection, Aliens vs. Predator, Highway 666).
He relocated to Malta in 2015, and since then has been a Lecturer at the Malta College of Arts Science and Technology (MCAST) where he shares his knowledge and teaches Creative and Interactive Media.

WARS is an NGO by gamers for gamers. We strive to provide a place and resources where tabletop gamers can meet and play.
We are a fully voluntary organization that strives to keep the gaming community alive and prosperous.
We have a range of members with varied interests when it comes to gaming. While in recent years tabletop board games and Role plays have seen an increase in interest, we still promote all forms of Tabletop games.