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Wonder Woman by William Moessner-Loebs reviewed by Raphael Borg

This is a weird book.
I really wanted to like this book. Wonder Woman, I find, has had an….interesting…. history in DC Comics. Unlike Batman and Superman, there have only been a handful of iconic stories from her entire bibliography. Sadly, it can easily be seen here why. William Moessner-Loebs gives Diana plenty of personality, as well as her supporting cast. The fact that the story forces her to deal with her having a weakness/serious injury as well as having to work to earn her keep certainly makes her that much more interesting for a mythological figure in the world of man. There are plenty of good ideas in this book, all sparking every few pages and developed over a handful of others, just to be interrupted or completely forgotten or altered over the next. The artwork and some of the language used do not help at all either. Some of the artwork is atrocious, well beyond any traditional 90’s fare – seriously there is a panel here meant to depict Diana taking flight making her look like she turned into a squashed potato with legs and all the rest. The language used is colloquial in all the wrong places, like Ares threatening someone for scooping him out like a jacket potato with chilli and cheese (a foreshadowing perhaps?) which is jarring to say the least.
So why am I putting the spotlight on this book? It’s because it is truly saddening that there is so little of Diana’s stories earning an iconic status. And perhaps putting this in evidence might help her case….eventually.