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Wicked Comics the organizers of the annual Malta Comic Con are proud to announce that BlackMagicWolf Productions are giving away a FREE copy of issue 0 of their exciting new project the Guardians. Written by Todd Black, illustrated by Chua Eng Chi and coloured by Alex Garcia, all you have to do to get your FREE copy is follow the link below and download it:

Once you read it we’re pretty sure you’ll agree with the many people who have already done so, and will want to read more. Issues 1-3 are also available (same link) for a total of just $4.50. We will be bring you a review of the issues released so far shortly, in the meantime click here to read why there is a lot of excitement surrounding this project:

If giving away a free copy of the first issue wasn’t enough BlackMagicWolf Productions are also giving everyone the possibility to contribute and help turn this awesome comic into a legacy by supporting the active Guardians Kickstarter campaign.

Guardians Kickstarter Has Gone Live!
Submitted By Todd Black
June 2, 2014

BlackMagicWolf Productions is proud to announce that the Kickstarter for our comic book Guardians has gone live. Our funding goal has been set at $3000, with the goal to fund at least the next two issues of the comic. The Kickstarter has been up for less than a week and we’re drawing near 25% funded. The Kickstarter will end on June 26th.

Goals of the Kickstarter
Our goals for the Kickstarter may not be what you are expecting. True, we desire to raise the money necessary to continue our series, but we also want to build up the fanbase so that we may continue long after the Kickstarter is over. We hope Guardians will be a long-lasting series, and we believe this Kickstarter is a key step to making that dream a reality. The more people that donate, the more likely that other people will see it. Then slowly but surely our fanbase will build.
In truth, we have ideas and characters to take the Guardians series from where we are now, with the first four issues made, to issue No. 100. That is how passionate we are about Guardians. And that’s why we’re doing this Kickstarter, cause we don’t want it to end.

What is Guardians?
Guardians is a new superhero comic for a new age. Centered around a place called Delta City. It is a city of great achievement, but one that comes with a curse. Everyone knows that things of great value lie within the city. A wave of crime overruns the city, and pushes the civilians to their breaking point. In their desperation they cry out to their maker for help…
“They asked for Angels, they prayed for Saviors, what they received…were Guardians.”
Two heroes are born to protect them, Element and Chaos. Created to save the city and the people within it, but it too comes at a cost. For though the Guardians are powerful, they know not how to interact with the people they are supposed to save. Moreover, one begins to question their mission. “Is there more to life than just my purpose?”
It is this question that will drive the Guardians into new and dangerous situations, as villains arrive in Delta City to challenge the Guardians and claim the city and its technology for their own purposes. Will the Guardians stay united? Will they learn to be more than what they are? Will Delta City survive? Or will it fall? The answer may depend on you!

At Wicked Comics we’re all excited about the Guardians and we urge everyone to contribute to this worthy cause by visiting:
For more info on the Guardians visit:

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