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The Smurfs Saving Mother Nature drawing competition

Euro Media Forum, Science is Culture in conjunction with Junior News and HandKrafts Toyshop in South Street, Valletta are proud to launch The Smurfs – Saving Mother Nature drawing competition, in anticipation of the forthcoming The Smurfs 2 movie in local cinemas in July 2013. According to legend, far from here, in a little village full of mushroom shaped houses live the smurfs. These little characters are three apples high, have blue skin and are mostly dressed in white trousers and a cap. They are a happy, easy-going bunch, always ready to lend a helping hand and live peaceful lives in harmony with nature. Children are invited to draw and colour a picture of either a smurf or a group of smurfs, helping out in the Maltese environment in summer. They may be keeping beaches and shorelines free of from bottles, snacks wrappers, garbage and plastic; or taking care of sea creatures, fish, dolphins and turtles by reminding us not to throw garbage from boats. Judges are mainly looking for children’s original ideas.

There will be three winners and entries will appear in future issues of the Junior News children‘s supplement c/o The Times of Malta, daily newspaper. The three Smurfs prizes to be won will be given to the best three Smurf drawings by HandKrafts. The judging panel will consist of a number of professionals in the field of art and comic book creation. Each participant is allowed one entry, which should be submitted on an A4 paper with full name, age, address and phone number on the back. Entries must be sent to Junior News, Strickland House, 341 St. Paul Street, Valletta, VLT 1211. Closing date is Friday September 28th. Should participants need any more information please call on 9945 4066 or email

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