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Wicked Comics has a chat with Susan Waitt

WC – Name and Surname
SW – Susan Waitt

WC – Any Nicknames
SW – Beautiful Strange Attractor (he-he)

WC – Age
SW – “As old as my tongue, but younger than my teeth.”

WC – Locality
SW – U.S. expat living in Malta

WC – What inspires me …
SW – The BIG stories in life….

WC – Favourite Medium
SW – The medium at The Bottom of the Cup Tea Room in New Orleans – oh, sorry… that kind of medium… pencils, acrylic, oils

WC – Favourite Art Style
SW – Low-Brow Pop Visionary/Pop Gothic/Pop Surreal

WC – Favourite Comic / Manga Artist
SW – Well, my favourite “cartoonists” are those at Disney and Warner Bros. My favourite comic artist is the GREAT Robert Crumb!

WC – Favourite Comic / Manga Favourite cartoons & print spin-offs:
SW – Disney, Warner Bros. Favourite Crumb character- DEVIL GIRL!!

WC – Good Quality
SW – Generous, Unconventional, Deep

WC – Bad Quality
SW – Impatient

WC – Describe yourself / your art in 3 words
SW – Generous, Unconventional, Deep

WC – In 10 years time…
SW – I hope I”ll still be vertical, travelling, painting, cartooning, surrounded by family and friends.

WC – Personal accomplishments (name a couple)
SW – Disney book artist; TV presenter turned set designer ; mother to my fantastic daughter, India!

WC – Is this your first time participating in the Malta Comic Con?
SW – Nope

WC – Why do you feel it is important for artists such as yourself to participate in the Malta Comic Con?
SW – It”s good for the kidz to see an old warhorse still hanging in there…. Also I have, at my age (none of yer business) , something special to offer..

WC – Any projects in the pipeline?
SW – Yes. Working toward a sole exhibition of my current work.

WC – All time Favourite song
SW – Moon River

WC – If you were a character who would you be?

WC – What super power do you desire?
SW – Time travel… I guess that”s a superpower. Superman did it once.

WC – All time Favourite movie
SW – Wizard of Oz

WC – If you were a piece of art, what would you be?
SW – A mysterious holy relic or icon or totem to which everyone paid homage and brought, like food offerings and oblations and stuff.

WC – A title for my life would be….
SW – The American Phoenix

WC – If you could be another person for a day, who would you be?
SW – The once-and- future me.

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